Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jessica Joslin

I just found this artist that creates sculptures of animals using bone, some real and some fake, and brass/antique hardwares.  Her work combines mom's ceramic figures and dad's taxidermy animals in a way that is breathtaking. Not only do the animals have many various parts all attached in different ways but some of them even have mechanisms in them so their heads, mouths, tails or body can be put in different positions.

I think what draws me to her work the most is the use of birds.  I have always had this weird attraction to birds and insects ever since I was little.  I also love the fact that her sculptures range in size from 1 inch to almost 6 feet tall.

If you would like to check out more of her work, here is her website:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm in a Photo Show

I know I haven't posted anything in awhile.  With all of my finals and getting used to being home for the summer I haven't really had much time...but I now have a great reason to post!

I'm in the 7th Annual Photo Show at All Things Art in Canandaigua, NY

This is the link to the article I am in or you can just enlarge the image below...

The article is in the Daily Messenger, a Messenger Post Paper, in the "Play" section.

Also, if you want to see some of my sculpture work check out my Intro to Sculpture classes' blog.